New Fantasy World Project (Terra) Wiki

A Pillar who currently has the Legend Class Amethyst in her possession.

Ophelia Metis
Name: Ophelia Metis
Sex: Female
Species: Human
Rank: The 8th Pillar
Gemstone: Amethyst
Title: of the Fateful Night
Limiter Release: "???"



Movements during the Utan Migration

She was sent, with Trema Spectra, to confront the Warlord with the One Eye. After a brief fight (that ended with him being thrown through a wall) they forced him to talk about his plans and why he was doing the things he was doing. He revealed to them the injustice that had been going down in Cameo and Jaedinar. He also told them that the Slave trade was gaining massive amounts of power through the greatly increased dealing that had been going on recently. This was enough to convince them to look into the situation deeper. After an investigation into the refugee camps, they discovered the proper story of what was going on. She was then assigned, along with Trema to fight against the more unsavory aspects. She was constantly frustrated, one by the fact that she could not wipe it all out because of several powerful families (i.e.House Teradoc, which makes a habit of buying Valkyries) and two, the general disfavor and distrust of Cameo and Jaedinar.


-Named after the satelites and moons Ophelia and Metis, inspired by Shakespeare's Ophelia from Hamlet.
