New Fantasy World Project (Terra) Wiki

The World Eaters was a anti-world government organization that came from the ideology of Ibrahim Kopimit. It was the most feared organization in the early Column Era for around 300 years until most of its core members were imprisoned or killed. The organization came back to the world stage following the Era of the Admirals.


  • Tiamo - Co-Founder, Battle of Daragon
  • Lundstrum - The Iron Dragon
  • Gottfried Varthom - Captain of the Anarkata, one of the most feared pirates in history.
  • Brokepp - Co-Founder
  • Ibrahim Kopimit - Drafted the Idea that began the World Eaters.
  • Rand Seyron = The Mercenary Lord
  • Olianna Lin - An immortal that has been searching for a descendant of Xalan Mu. She believes that Tiamo is that descendant and dedicates herself to his cause. She appears before him disguised as a man named, "Orgus Lin."
  • Zehm - Known in the underground as The Grandmaster, he has a long and established military career and is well respected by most veteran fighters on Midworld.


Phantom Blaze

